Monday 18 June 2012

Rosario, Argentina

Not too sure why we ended up in Rosario, other than a couple of Argentinian barmen raving about it one night when we were drunk. It's got a few things going for it: a big river (we're told it's lovely in the summer) and there's eight universities, so it's full of students. It was also home to the creator of the Argentinian flag and they celebrate this fact every June - we arrived just as the festivities were starting and school children were draping huge Argentinian flags across the main square...

We'd been out the night before to watch a band and some more tango... but the best dancing we saw was an elderly man dancing to a live band playing in the street!

We also visited Che Guevara´s first home, the city's cathedral and a few of the nicer plazas, but after than we'd exhausted pretty much everything there was everything to see and do. We didn't have the weather for the river beaches so we decided to make our visit a short one (understanding Lionel Messi's decison to leave at 11!)... Next stop, Mendoza!

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